Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware, the ‘Contract for Service – Trainer in Family Medicine’ obliges the Trainer in Family Medicine to perform (among others) the following educational duty:
- to actively participate in (at least once yearly) and co-deliver trainers’ CPD meetings when required and as directed by the post-graduate training coordinator/s
For this year 2024, the Malta College of Family Doctors has agreed that this requirement is to be fulfilled by the GP trainer completing an exercise in Trainer Self-Appraisal and Peer Appraisal, along the same lines as that carried out as part of the trainer Quality Assurance process by the Royal College of General Practitioners and other Family Medicine colleges. This approach had also been referred to during previous Quality Assurance Visits by the Royal College of General Practitioners’ International Development Adviser.
For this year’s CPD, each GP Trainer will need to pair up with another GP Trainer of their choice who will take on the role of observer and:
- Perform a tutorial of their choice with their assigned GP Trainee, and either record it and show it to the observer, or have the observer sit in the tutorial in real-time.
- Perform a self-assessment of how they think their tutorial went
- Receive feedback (from the other trainer – the observer) about the tutorial they themselves have given
- Observe, and give feedback about, the other trainer’s tutorial
- Have a post-observation discussion and then reflect about this
Attached herewith, please find:
- 3 Journal Articles for your reference:
- Learning to give feedback in medical education (Chowdhury & Kalu, 2004)
- Rethinking models of feedback for learning: the challenge of design (Boud & Molloy, 2013)
- Thanks, but no-thanks for the feedback (Forsythe & Johnson, 2016)
- A Self-Assessment Form
- A Teaching Observation Form
Bearing in mind that it is against Recorded Consultation Assessment Regulations for Trainers other than the GP Trainer of a Final Year GP Trainee to view video consultations being submitted for the RCA exam, Trainers of Final Year GP Trainees may:
- either opt to perform a Tutorial using other Formative Assessment Tools such as the CBD,
- or perform a Tutorial on a Relevant topic which does NOT make use of the Consultation Observation Tool.
- Alternatively, GP Trainers can conduct a Tutorial using a Consultation Observation Tool (i.e. Video Consultation), as long as this tutorial takes place AFTER THE CLOSING DATE FOR VIDEO CONSULTATION SUBMISSION FOR THE RCA BUT BEFORE THE END OF THE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PERIOD i.e. before the end of the Final Year Trainee’s GP Training in January 2025. This means that the Video Consultation used is NOT ONE OF THE VIDEO CONSULTATIONS SUBMITTED FOR THE RCA EXAM.
- Any Videos of said Tutorials do not need to be sent to us.
The Self-Assessment form and Teaching Observation form would need to be returned to the Joint Postgraduate Training Coordinators by the 31st January 2025 by e-mail to: [email protected] with cc: [email protected] and [email protected]
Tutorial self-assessment tool SA 24
The Obstetric Gynaecologis – 2011 – Chowdhury – Learning to give feedback in medical education
Teaching Observation Forms – Trainer development
Rethinking models of feedback for learning the challenge of design
Kind regards,
(Also on behalf of Joint PTC, STPFM, Dr S Abela and Dr G Pullicino)
Principal General Practitioner, Kirkop Health Centre;
Joint Postgraduate Training Coordinator in Family Medicine;
Department of Primary HealthCare