Government Forms
Active Ageing
This form, in both online and downloadable formats, allows a doctor, patient and relatives to apply to any required service including:
Active Ageing Centres
Home Help Service
Respite at Home
Handyman Service
Telephone Rent Rebate
Meals on Wheels
Continence Service
Domiciliary Nursing
Reference Service
Domiciliary Caring
Carer at Home Scheme
Dementia Activity Centre
Social Work
Night Shelter
Community Geriatrician
Occupational Therapy
Hospice Malta
Hospice Malta offers Palliative Care to the patient and support to the family and works together with existing Health & Social Services.
Online Hospital Referral
Used to refer a patient for an outpatient appointment at Mater Dei Hospital or Health Centre clinics. The doctor needs to log on using his/her e-ID to access this form. For more information email [email protected].
The updated hardcopy Ticket of Referral for both primary and secondary care is available here: TOR MDH and PHCD
Used by patients to give doctors consent to access their data through myHealth. The doctor has to witness the patient’s signature and sign the form before submission to the myHealth office.
Medicine Database
Details of all the medicinal products authorised to be placed on the market in Malta together with the product information are available on this Database.
Bone Density Form
Used to refer patients for DEXA Scans at Mater Dei done in Gynaecology Outpatients. Filled out forms can be sent to [email protected]. More info re appointments can be sought by calling 25457000
Transport Malta Driving Licence
The online application form can be accessed here:
POYC GP form
Form required for a patient to apply for Pharmacy of Your Choice (POYC)
POYC (Pharmacy of Your Choice) Online Prescriptions
Click here to access and amend patients’ chronic medications and print presciptions.
Fast Track Clinics
The fast-track colorectal cancer clinic, the fast-track breast cancer clinic and the fast-track lung cancer clinic can be accessed through: