Speaker-event at SALINI Resort on THURSDAY 11th AUGUST , starting at 8pm followed by dinner.
The topics and speakers will be:
“Hepatitis C: a sensible trajectory towards elimination”
by Dr Tonio Piscopo MD, FRCP(Lond.), DTM&H(Lond) – Consultant Physician in General Medicine and Infectious Diseases
“Hepatitis C: Continuing to care for the many treated patients”
by Dr. Moses Camilleri MD., MSc. (Addiction)
Please confirm interest by ending an email to : [email protected]
The official invitation is available here: HCV – MCFD – 11august 22 – Salini 8pm – invite
Dr Jason Bonnici MD FMCFD Dipl. Fam. Pract. (MCFD)
Honorary Secretary
Malta College of Family Doctors
E: [email protected]
A: The Professional Centre, Triq tas-Sliema, Gżira. GŻR 1633
W: mcfd.org.mt