Dear Colleague EURACT (the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine - )and WONCA (the World Or [...]
Dear Colleague Information from the National Screening Centre outlining the launch of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening programme is attached he [...]
Dear colleague The Assessment Team for the upcoming Summative Examination wishes to meet prospective candidates for the Summative Examination 2022 and [...]
Dear Colleague EURACT, the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine, is organising its next Le [...]
Dear member A write-up on Monkeypox summarising the clinical picture is available here: The MCFD facebook page is [...]
Dear members The Press Release of the Office of the President about the graduation of the cohorts of medical doctors who graduated as Specialists in F [...]
Dear member As you are aware a number of patients have hoarded medication over time. The following can be forwarded to patients who seek such advice [...]
Dear member Consultant Orthopedic surgeon Mr Kurstein Sant will discuss Shoulder Joint and Shoulder Pathologies in MCFD's next Continued Medical Educa [...]
Dear member The Malta College of Family Doctors is inviting family doctors and Trainees in Family Medicine to express their interest in forming part o [...]
Dear member The College is inviting one or more members to become part of the Editorial Board of the JMCFD. Such members should preferably have resea [...]