29th ISL World Congress of Lymphology, 11-15 September 2023, Genoa (Italy)

29th ISL World Congress of Lymphology, 11-15 September 2023, Genoa (Italy)

To International Scientific Societies 

Dear Sirs
We are pleased to inform you that the 29th ISL World Congress of Lymphology will take place in Genoa (Italy) from September 11 to 15, 2023, promoted and chaired by Dr. Corrado Campisi and Prof. Corradino Campisi.

The Congress represents the biennial update of ISL International Society of Lymphology, from basic disciplines to clinical applications, with the attendance of doctors and surgeons, specialists or trainees, as well as operators of the various related health professions.
In the context of the Congress, updating and training courses dedicated in general to the ‘Best Clinical Practice’ will be organized, as well as specific technological courses in medical, physical and surgical fields for lymphatic diseases of various types.  Special attention will be paid to rare diseases on a malformative basis, oncological diseases and lymphatic complications of the treatment of malignant tumors, with the important clinical-therapeutic implications of a preventive type.
District lymphatic pathologies (i.e.limbs, abdomen and chest ) will be widely debated.
The Congress will offer an overview of the technological innovations related to the ‘Imaging’ procedures adopted for the diagnosis and medical, physical and surgical treatment of lymphatic diseases and illustrate the progress achieved in the instruments  connected with the use of the surgical microscope and microsurgical instruments, including new liposuction techniques for lymphatic pathology.
Among the aims of the Congress, particular attention will be given to the current ‘state of the art’   of Clinical Lymphology in the world panorama. One of the most relevant results will be  the update of the biennial ‘Consensus Document’ of ISL International Society of Lymphology on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphedema, which represents the most epidemiologically, socially and clinically relevant expression in the field of lymphatic diseases, as also underlined by the most recent data of the World Health Organization.

Italian ECM and European UEMS- EACCME accreditation is provided for the congress. Main disciplines involved: Surgeons, General Practitioners, Dieticians, Professional educators, Hospital pharmacists, Territorial pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Podiatrists, Technicians of cardiovascular pathophysiology and cardiovascular perfusion, Orthopaedic technicians, Occupational therapists.

The city of Genoa will host the Congress at the Congress Center of the “Magazzini del Cotone”, in the setting of the Old Port, the area designed by Renzo Piano to bring the sea closer to the city and its historical, artistic and cultural beauties.

Congress website:  www.isl2023lymphology.com
(Registrations and Abstracts Submission are opened)

For information on the Congress: [email protected]

We would be very grateful if you would spread the initiative within your Organization.

We thank you for your cooperation
Best regards
Studio BC, Genoa (Italy)
ISL2023 Organizing Secretariat

[email protected]


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