EYFDM NEWS AND OPPORTUNITIES! In this newsletter: 1. Bridge Project 2. Balearic Meeting and Pre-Conference Exchange 3. Vacancies for Liaisons! 4. EGPR [...]
Dear Colleague The co-ordinators inform that all 10 participants of the latest Basic Teachers' Couse in Vocational Training in Family Medicine have at [...]
Dear WONCA Members, We are happy to announce that the call for submissions for WONCA Sydney 2023 presentations is now open. WONCA Sydney 2023 will bri [...]
SEXUAL HEALTH CONFERENCE 14th October 2022 Sexual Health Malta within the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate (HPDP) and the Malta LG [...]
Dear colleague The MCFD is organising a CME event on the 13th of October 2022 titled 'Plastic surgery for GPs - An overview on burns, trauma, scars an [...]
Dear colleague, The Maltese Cardiac Society will once again be hosting a GP event as part of the annual Malta Cardiac Society Conference. The official [...]
Dear Member Please see the attached document regarding the Beta-Lactoglobulin (Milk) IgG and Soya IgG Intolerance tests at Mater Dei Hospital: Milk [...]
Dear Members, Kindly note the following meeting taking place in Palma de Mallorca Oct 28th, 29th. Details here: register There will also be an exchan [...]
Dear member Latest news, including conferences and seminars, from WONCA WONCA E-Update Friday 23 September 2022 (mailchi.mp) Regards, Dr Jason Bonnici [...]
Dear family doctor: A Sexual Health conference will be held on 14th October 2022, at Dolmen Hotel , St. Paul`s Bay. This conference is aimed for healt [...]