WONCA - Montegut Global Scholar Program Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the application for the Montegut Global Scholar Program (MGSP [...]
Dear Colleague For your attention - an overview on the legal obligations of family doctors/general practitioners as referrers to Radiology services ( [...]
You are invited to a Zoom meeting on "WONCA Europe and the EU Policies" When: Mar 23, 2023 19:00 CET How could we have a bigger impact in Europe? How [...]
"Assessing mental health in people living with HIV (PLWHIV)" Dear Doctor, Gilead is pleased to invite you to the webinar "Assessing mental health in p [...]
Dear colleagues: MCFD will be organising a CME on Geriatric services in the Community. Speakers: Dr Renzo De Gabriele and Dr Kris Zammit They will pre [...]
Dear Colleague The preparations for carrying out the EURACT Level 1 Course between 29th March and 1st April are underway. Most of the participants ha [...]
Dear colleagues Preparations are underway to organise the Graduation ceremony of the latest cohort of Specialists in Family Medicine. The MCFD Council [...]
Dear colleagues, The Assessment Team met and decided on the following: 1) The RCA will be used this year. Deadline for submission for RCAs is Sat [...]
Dear colleague Videos of the conference Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing are available online: https://royalsociety.org/science-even [...]
Croma's virtual interactive anatomy workshop is going to take place on the 17th of March at 09:00 hrs CET. This will be a 1 hour session consisting o [...]