Dear GP,
As of today a new online ticket for the referral of suspected skin cancer cases (mainly melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma) is being introduced on the Digital Health Electronic Referral Platform. This will join the already available tickets for suspected colon, lung, breast, prostate, upper GI, head and neck and haematological cancers.
Referring suspected skin cancer patients through this electronic system will facilitate prioritising appointments for these patients at the Dermatology Department. The clinical teams involved will do their outmost to provide these services within the shortest possible timeframes. This will depend on the provision of accurate clinical information.
To facilitate the process, the ticket allows referrers to mark the location of suspicious skin lesions on a body chart and provides helpful checklists of suspicious features for common skin cancers. In addition, clinicians can provide photos of suspected cancers and add relevant information as text. The ticket also ensures the provision of essential medical and drug history. Two sample tickets are attached to this email. Utilising this ticket will facilitate the care pathway up to diagnosis and management.
This Electronic Referral can be found in myHealth, in the section of useful links for Doctors (Fast track Cancer Referrals for Doctors). For GPs within Primary Health a desktop shortcut is also available to facilitate access. If you encounter any issues to log in or use the system, you are strongly suggested to contact Fast Track Team via email [email protected] or phone 25452468/ 25452462/ 79707652.
We thank you for your cooperation and teamwork.