WONCA Europe Regional Equity Committee

To WONCA Europe Member Organizations

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Regional Equity Committee, a two-year standing committee approved by the WONCA Europe Council in Dublin.

The committee will focus on advancing equity initiatives across region, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise to the table.

The following nominations were received and accepted by the WONCA Europe Executive Board:

Nina Monteiro, Portugal

Nick Mamo, UK

Yael Livni Gillerman, Israel

Additionally, we are excited to announce that Thomas Frese has been appointed as the Chair of the committee, representing the Executive Board.

The committee, composed of four members now, will begin its work shortly. We look forward to the valuable contributions this group will make toward promoting regional equity and inclusion in our organization.

Kind regards,

Shlomo Vinker

WONCA Europe President

Categories : MCFD News