European Antibiotic Awareness Day  

Dear Doctor, 

European Antibiotic Awareness Day

On the occasion of European Antibiotic Awareness Day, we are forwarding the attached update from the National AMR Committee. As you are undoubtedly aware, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to public health, and we, as healthcare providers, have a critical role in curbing its spread. The update highlights the importance of judicious antibiotic prescribing, with a particular focus on the use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics whenever possible. By adopting these best practices, we can help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics, reduce the emergence of resistant bacteria, and ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

We appreciate your continued commitment to responsible antibiotic stewardship and thank you for your efforts to tackle AMR.

Should you have any questions or need further resources, please do not hesitate to contact the Committee on [email protected].

 The update can be seen here:- 2 pager

Prof Charmaine Gauci              

Superintendent of Public Health



Prof M.A. Borg           

Chair: National AMR Committee


Categories : MCFD News