WONCA International Classification Committee 50th Celebration

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to celebrate with us 50 years of the founding of WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC). You can find the invitation Here.

The WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC) was founded in 1972 together with WONCA. Throughout its history it has produced and maintained the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC), developing, and disseminating it throughout the world. WICC also developed the WONCA Dictionary for General/Family Practice. WICC has collaborated with many global organisations, particularly with the World Health Organization (WHO). ICPC-2 is a member of the WHO Family of International Classifications.

WICC meets every year and in 2024 will have a face-to-face meeting in Newcastle (United Kingdom) between 22 and 24 September. The world of classifications has changed rapidly with the use of computers in consultations and, more recently, with the use of artificial intelligence. Almost every family doctor is able to use a classification in their health record and we need to be protagonists in the decision-making process of how data is collected during consultations and analysed. That’s why we would also like to invite your Organisation to send a representative as an observer to the WICC annual meeting. The scientific program for the meeting will include a historical review of classifications in primary care and future projections.

For more information, please contact WICC Chair, Gustavo Gusso.

Warm wishes,

WONCA Secretariat

WONCA Secretariat
Avenue des Arts 7-8 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Email[email protected]
Website: https://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/
Categories : MCFD News