Research: Health system-level factors and the quality of life of persons with a history of cancer

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

You are hereby kindly invited to participate in an online survey in the context of the EU project EUonQoL. You may already have received this invitation via another route.

The aim of this survey is to collect the views of stakeholders on what health system-level factors may affect the quality of life of persons with (a history of) cancer. Health system-level factors refer for instance to legislation that enables persons with (a history of) cancer to obtain healthcare insurance, or to the availability and accessibility of cancer treatment and care.

In addition, the survey aims to collect information on possible measures that could provide insight into these factors on a national or regional level, as well as existing data sources.

The results of the survey will be used to improve the measurement of quality of life of persons with (a history of) cancer in EU Member States, Iceland and Norway.

You can find the survey via the following link:

The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. We kindly ask you to provide your response by 18 April 2024 at the latest.

Additionally, we would like to ask you to share this invitation within your network, e.g. with members of your organisation, if applicable. Alternatively, if you prefer that we invite these (member) organisations ourselves, we kindly ask you to share with us their names and contact details, as long as you have the legal permission to do so.

Thank you for taking the time to help us and we look forward to your feedback. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected].


On behalf of the EUonQoL Consortium,


Merel Engelaar, MSc

Iris van der Heide, PhD

Nanne Bos, PhD


About us:

The EUonQoL project (Funded by the European Union – Horizon Europe – Grant Agreement n. 101096362) aims to review existing quality of life (QoL) scales and to develop new metrics by harnessing the strengths and overcoming the limitations of previous tools. The EUonQoL-Kit, a toolkit of QoL questionnaires which will be the product of this effort, will be a new digital system for QoL self-assessment, available in several European languages and developed from the patient’s perspective. The overall project is based on Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) principles, through the involvement of a representative panel of patients and public members throughout all project phases. Within the EUonQoL project, 24 partner organisations from 13 European countries work together. The project duration is 4 years: from January 2023 to December 2026. Further description of the project, its work packages and the participating organisations can be found on the EUonQoL website:

Categories : MCFD News