Dear colleague,
At Ultrasound Academy we are excited to announce the forthcoming launch of Postgradute Certificate Courses in Point-of-Care Ultrasound specific to various specialties including Family Medicine. The modalities offered in the course were selected based on feedback from a survey amongst local Family Medicine specialists in 2021.
Kindly find more information about the courses in the attached document. In addition for detailed information about the modalities covered and the learning objectives for each modality kindly go to and select the relavnt course. Here doctors can register their interest. At this stage we are inviting an expression of interest from doctors who will be given the right of first refusal when we launch applications within the coming weeks/months.
For registration of interest kindly go to If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us on [email protected] or on this email address – [email protected] or contact me on 79537587.RegardsDr. Konrad BorgDirector Ultrasound Academy