Registration open: Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Family Doctors – CME Lecture Series

Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Family Doctors – CME Lecture Series
Delivered by Dr. Sacha Busuttil, Specialist in Family Medicine
Dr Sacha Busuttil graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Malta and finished her specialist training in family medicine in January 2021. She currently works within the Telemedicine Centre and has past experience in teaching as a casual lecturer with the University of Malta and visiting lecturer withThe Queen Mary University of London, Malta Campus.
Date: 30th June 2023 at 2000 hrs
Venue: Busy Bee Training & Events Room, Mriehel
Parking available
Presentation will be followed by refreshments.
All Family Doctors/General Practitioners, GP trainees or Foundation Year doctors with special interest in family medicine are welcome.
Accreditation: 3 CME points
Registration by email to [email protected], cc [email protected]
Kindly indicate how you plan to join the lecture since this will be a hybrid meeting.
Event is free for paying members of MCFD
Members with pending membership fees are solicited to contact office secretary Louise Agius on [email protected] to sort things out.
Family Doctors who have not paid their membership dues and non-members who wish to attend will be asked to pay 25 eur for the event.
 GP Trainees are encouraged to enroll as associate members, and they can attend this and upcoming CME events
with no additional costs.
Categories : MCFD News