Call for 3 new members to MCFD Council 2022-24

Dear Colleague,

Three members of the current council have resigned in the last few weeks.  Details will be provided in the Annual Report to be presented during the Annual General Meeting in mid-May 2023.

Hence this call for nominations for 3 members to MCFD Council, who will have voting rights.

By statutes council is to be not more than nine voting members. These shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Registrar, Secretary and 4 other roles to be defined by the elected Council.

The Electoral Commission has been informed of the need to fill the Council vacancies.

Interested candidates are to send an application form with the due signatures of nominee and proponents to the Electoral Commission on the address provided in the attachment: Call for 3 Candidates to MCFD Council 2022-24


Dr Jason Bonnici MD FMCFD Dipl. Fam. Pract. (MCFD)
Honorary Secretary
Malta College of Family Doctors
E: [email protected]
A: The Professional Centre, Triq tas-Sliema, Gżira. GŻR 1633


Categories : MCFD News