Talk: Restorative Rest from a therapeutic perspective

Good Afternoon,

As a continuation of our TherapyTalks series, paths is pleased to announce our first webinar for 2023. This talk, led by Counsellor Estela Rama, addresses the topic of Restorative rest from a therapeutic perspective.

Being idle is one of the most important activities in life as it allows true insight. Neuroscientific evidence argues that your brain needs to rest in order to function. Furthermore, in order to truly thrive and perform to our best ability, our brain needs to be idle. We have been conditioned to believe that being idle is lazy or unattractive. We may even have been raised with the belief that being busy means being successful. Being busy is a preferred state, a distraction from ourselves. One of the biggest distractors in our lives tends to be work. Our greatest internal stumbling blocks are the ingrained ideas about how we should live our lives and the consequences of going against the grain.  This webinar seeks to provide a reflective and practical perspective towards resting, giving you the space to reflect on what part rest plays in your life, and how it may be used to enhance your life in different ways, including creativity, wellbeing and your work.

The talk will take place on Thursday 16th March from 6pm-8pm, through an online platform (link to be shared closer to the date). This webinar is aimed at the general public as well as professionals who wish to learn more about this topic.

Attendance is free of charge and interested participants are kindly asked to register in the form below by Monday 13 th March:

Spaces are limited and will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further updates can also be found on our Facebook Event  Page:

Please contact us on [email protected] or call on 99013629 if you require further information.


Meeting the speaker:

Estela has a Masters Degree in Counselling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (Hons) from the University of Malta. Previous to working as a counsellor, Estela worked in the field of disability, which has helped to form her person-centred approach. This became an integral part of her work, as she believes that the person is at the centre of the service and must be treated as a person first.
Estela is particularly interested in supporting people who would like to work on their personal growth and development. She is passionate about helping people to fulfil their potential and to encourage them to live a more compassionate life. She supports clients by working on self-awareness, self-compassion and coping skills.
Estela has experience working therapeutically with young children and adolescents in a school setting. She’s worked with a sports club, coaches and individual athletes. Estela has also worked with individuals who are or have been victims of crime, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. As a therapist, she believes in continuous professional development in the different fields of psychology. Estela is interested in diverse topics and is involved in many different activities. She loves learning and has a drive for exploration. She enjoys a challenge and being active. Estela also finds rest as important, since it’s the time when restoration happens.

Gwardamanġa Office
52, Triq Ġużè Ellul, Gwardamanġa, Malta PTA 1030

Msida Office
23, Triq il-Baċir, Msida, Malta MSD 1263

T. +356 2099 6088   I   M. +356 9901 3629   I   E. [email protected]
Categories : MCFD News