European Mapping Project of Social Prescribing

Dear Member Organisations of WONCA Europe, 

we from the WONCA Europe Special Interest Group Social Prescribing and Community Orientation would like to ask you to forward this survey to your members and working groups. Our goal is to get an overview from all over Europe on Social Prescribing and therefore we rely on your support. 

Social Prescribing (SP) is a way of linking patients in primary care with sources of support to improve their health and wellbeing within their community.
SP programmes are being widely promoted in the UK and are now being increasingly adopted all over Europe but, nevertheless, formats differ, since Social Prescribing is highly dependent on the context, for example the health care system and facilities in the country/region.
Consequently, there is confusion about what constitutes social prescribing and, moreover, SP is sometimes not immediately understood by health care professionals themselves. Therefore, this proposed study aims to map across Europe established SP programmes and how they are organised.   

The questionnaire will take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation. 

 We would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire asap by clicking on the link below:


Kind regards

Thomas Kloppe

On behalf of the Mapping Working Group of the WONCA Europe Special Interest Group Social Prescribing and Community Orientation


Dr. Thomas Kloppe

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Koordination Administration

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Institut und Poliklinik für Allgemeinmedizin,
Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin

Martinistraße 52
Gebäude West 37, Raum 5006
20246 Hamburg

Telefon: 040 – 7410 56479
Telefax: 040 – 7410 53681
[email protected]

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