Providing an Extra Blanket of Care to Children with Life Limiting Conditions
The 1st Malta Paediatric Palliative Care Conference
Organised by The Paediatric Department
Date: 12th November 2022
Time: 08:00hrs – 16:30hrs
Venue: MDH Central Auditorium (above chapel)
Cost: 50 Euro (includes lunch and coffee breaks)
Guest Speakers:
Professor Richard Hain (University of Cardiff, UK):
Professor Richard Hain has a clinical background in paediatric oncology and adult palliative medicine, and an academic background in pharmacology and moral theology. He practises as a specialist in paediatric palliative medicine at the Children’s Hospital for Wales and is also Honorary Professor in Clinical Ethics in the Faculty of Medicine at Swansea University. He has written and taught extensively, especially on ethics in children and at the end of life, and the therapeutics of symptom management.
Professor Lorna Fraser (University of York, UK):
Professor Lorna Fraser is currently a Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Martin House Research Centre at the University of York but is soon to join Kings College London as Professor of Palliative Care and Child Health. Her background is in clinical paediatrics and main research areas are complex and life limiting conditions in childhood and how to utilise routinely collected health and administrative data to improve care for children, including palliative care.
Dr Anton Mayer (Sheffield, UK):
Dr Anton Mayer is both a Paediatric Intensive Care consultant and Palliative care lead at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, and previously Medical Director of Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. He has an interest in Paediatric ICU research especially renal replacement therapy. In the past he chaired the Yorkshire and Humber Palliative Care clinical network and continues to sit on the executive committee. He has a long-standing interest in clinical simulation for medical education, in addition to running various intensive care related courses in the Yorkshire and Humber region for the last 20 years; He has written a simulation based Paediatric Palliative care course which he has directed for the last 7 years. He has a keen interest in Paediatric palliative care and how this integrates with intensive care, specifically with regard to withdrawal of ventilator support distant from the intensive care (with publications on this topic). He has presented at an international level on the integration and role of the hospice and Palliative care in relation to PICU. Over the years he has chaired various national groups for intensive care and the RCPCH, in addition to being a specialist representative for the RCPCH council. Currently he is Vice-chair for the APPM with an interest in education and overseas collaboration, as well as being on the advisory council for Together for short lives.
Prof Alexei Dingli (University of Malta):
Prof Alexei Dingli is a Professor of AI at the University of Malta. He has been conducting research and working in the field of AI for more than two decades, assisting different companies to implement AI solutions. His work has been rated World Class by international experts and he won several local and international awards (such as those by the European Space Agency, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the United Nations to name a few). He has published several peer-reviewed publications and formed part of the Malta.AI task force, which was set up by the Maltese government, aimed at making Malta one of the top AI countries in the world.
Special guests are the parents of children with life-limiting and chronic complex illnesses who will share their first-hand experiences with attendees.
The conference is targeted to all healthcare professionals who care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses (LLLT), and also targeted for those professionals whose main responsibility is to care for those with palliative care needs.
Attached please find the poster, programme and registration form:
Kind Regards,
Gilbert Gauci |
T +356 2545 4948 M +356 7921 0098 |
Mater Dei Hospital, Triq id-Donaturi tad-Demm, l-Imsida, Malta MSD 2090 | Tel +356 2545 0000 | | |