DG Sante Survey Invitation – vaccination confidence in Europe


Dear Healthcare Provider,

Since 2016, Prof Heidi Larson and her Vaccine Confidence project team have been researching vaccine confidence on a regular basis.

Also this year, we would like to proceed in measuring the vaccine confidence and especially the impact of COVID-19 on the vaccine confidence in the general population and among healthcare providers in the 27 European countries.

But in order to draw statistical relevant conclusion we need a sufficient amount of input from nurses and general practitioners in this survey.

We really would appreciate if you would take a moment (max 20 min) to complete this questionnaire before 29th July .


  1. Click on this https://www.createaclickablemap.com/preview/?id=111132&maplocation=europe and a map of Europe will open in your browser.
  2. Click on the country where you currently live and/or practise your profession
  3. The survey will open in the language(s) of your country
  4. Please complete the survey it will take max 20  min.

Thanks in advance,  your input really makes a difference for us.

The survey is open until 1st August

Should you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,


Greet Hendrickx

Centrum voor evaluatie van vaccinatie

Vaccin & Infectieziekten Instituut (VAXINFECTIO)

Universiteit Antwerpen

Campus Drie Eiken

Universiteitsplein 1 S2.51, 2610 Wilrijk, België

Tel: 0032 (03) 265 2664 – mob Private +32 477 193847

@mailto:[email protected]

Categories : MCFD News