CME programme on the management of COVID-19 and chronic pain in family medicine

Dear Colleague

EURACT (the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine – )and WONCA (the World Organisation of Family Doctors – recently partnered in the development of an independent Continued Medical Education programme on the management of COVID-19 and chronic pain in family medicine.

The Pinpoint Case Platform (PPCP) is an accredited, case-based platform for Continuing Medical Education (CME), addressing essential clinical questions by short cases with targeted feedback in various disease areas.

23 teacher-physicians from EURACT/WONCA have contributed to the development of 48 cases in COVID-19 and chronic pain.

Members of the Mirrors of Medicine community receive a (bi)weekly Clinical Case in their mailbox. In this e-mail they can solve the case immediately. Afterwards they are redirected to the PPCP and receive feedback, expert panel recommendations and evidence from clinical studies and guidelines. Users can study cases for free.

For more information go to:

One may register for both the platform (access to all disease areas, accredited courses, personal dashboard, etc) as for the Weekly cases (receiving cases of selected disease areas by email).

  1. People can register for the platform via this direct link: or register on the platform itself by clicking on “JOIN”.
  2. People can register for the Weekly cases via this direct link: or register on the platform itself by clicking on “Free subscription” or “Cases in your mailbox”.

Dr Jason Bonnici MD FMCFD Dipl. Fam. Pract. (MCFD)
Honorary Secretary
Malta College of Family Doctors
E: [email protected]
A: The Professional Centre, Triq tas-Sliema, Gżira. GŻR 1633

Categories : MCFD News