Dear member
With the current COVID-19 restrictions it is possible to plan to organise a Basic Teachers’ Course in Vocational Training in Family Medicine. Any family doctor who is on the Specialist Register for Family Doctors can apply. Further details are in the attachments. The calls are for :
Trainers to teach in the MCFD Basic Teachers’ Course in Vocational Training in Family Medicine Call for Tutors of Teachers’ Course 2022
Applicants to participate in the MCFD Basic Teachers’ Course in Vocational Training in Family Medicine Second Call for application for Teacher’s Course 2022
Some details are as follows:
Module 1 – 5.5.2022 (1600-2000hrs); 6.5.2022 (1600-2000hrs) and 7.5.2022 (1300-1700hrs)
Module 2 – this feedback session will be online after 8.06.2022
Venue – Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi.
Parking: Ample parking space upon entry to the premises.
Lecture room: The room is located straight down from the entry point within the Monsinjur Gonzi block at level -1. The elevator has to be used as the stairs will be closed off for residents’ safety. On the left there will be a table with tea, coffee, water, biscuits and sandwiches, in a small foyer. The lecture room is exactly across the table. There is a large TV screen with HDMI connection for laptops and there will be a flip chart with markers. The room will be open and at the end, the security will close the room.
Payment for attending the course should be sent by internet banking to the bank account of the MCFD provided in this attachment: New Membership form 2022
Dr Jason Bonnici MD FMCFD Dipl. Fam. Pract. (MCFD)
Honorary Secretary
Malta College of Family Doctors
E: [email protected]
A: The Professional Centre, Triq tas-Sliema, Gżira. GŻR 1633