a new online referral ticket for the referral of suspected Haematology Cancer cases

Dear GP,

As of today a new online referral ticket for the referral of suspected Haematology Cancer cases is being introduced on the Digital Health Electronic Referral Platform.

This Electronic Referral will give you the opportunity to refer patients presenting with signs and symptoms suggestive of Leukaemia, Lymphoma, MDS/MPD or Myeloma. All Haematology referrals submitted through this electronic platform will be vetted by a Haematology Consultant and have an appointment issued according to urgency .

Urgency of the referred cases will be assessed depending on the information submitted; therefore, it is encouraged to fill-in all fields requested. If during the submission processes you notice that requested investigations have not been booked yet, kindly book them before proceeding with the submission and then indicate accordingly on the referral form. The system will automatically notify the Fast track Coordinator to follow up any pending investigations, who will ensure all required investigations are ready by the date of first appointment with the consultant.

Appropriately filled-in referral forms will significantly shorten the time for urgent cases to be seen by a consultant and/or undergo further investigations.

In order for this platform to succeed in improving coordination of cancer care provision between primary health care settings and hospital care, continuity of care and the reduction of timeframes within the cancer care pathway, it is important that only suspected cancer cases are referred through this platform.  Patients with suspected blood disorders should be referred through the normal Ticket of Referral.

The electronic platform can be accessed through https://fasttrack.digitalhealth.gov.mt. Other Referral tickets currently available on this platform currently include: Colorectal, Respiratory and Breast.

It is important that you log in with your eID Password and not with your CORP Login.

In the coming year further Tickets for other cancer sites will be made available.

In case you shall need any assistance to log in or to submit a referral  ticket please do not hesitate to contact the Fast Track Coordinator on 25452468/ 79707652 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Always save the Ticket as Draft if you encounter any difficulties.


Dr Danika Marmara’ MSc, PhD
Director (Cancer Care Pathways)

Categories : MCFD News