Kindly note that a new online referral ticket intended for the referral of suspected Breast Cancer Patients is being introduced on the Digitalhealth Electronic Referral Platform.
You may wish to note that in practically all instances, patients referred through this electronic platform will be seen at Breast Clinic at Mater Dei within 2 weeks from date of referral. In cases were a referral is considered to be extremely urgent, patient will also benefit from having most of the investigations done within same day. This will shorten considerably the span between referral to first treatment.
Actually this platform aims to improve coordination of cancer care provision between primary health care settings and hospital care, better continuity of care and reduced timeframes within the care pathway.
The system can be accessed through which is the same link already in use by GPs to refer patients for FT Colorectal Clinic and Rapid Access (Lung) .
It is important that you log in with your EID Password and not with your CORP Login.
Ticket is self-explanatory. Please fill in all necessary details and in fields were no feedback needs to be inserted, just click on no.
Just in case you shall need any assistance when submitting a referral ticket please do not hesitate to contact Fast Track Coordinator on 25452468/ 79707652 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Always save the Ticket as Draft if you encounter any difficulties.