Dear Family Doctor
Kindly note that there is a new online referral ticket intended for the referral of suspected Lung Cancer Patients which has been introduced on the Electronic Referral Platform.
Referrals submitted through this platform will enable Specialists in Family Medicine to follow the progress of their patients from referral submission up to diagnosis.
This platform aims to improve coordination of cancer care provision between primary health care settings and hospital care, better continuity of care and reduce timeframes within the care pathway.
The system can be accessed through which is the same link
already in use by Specialists in Family Medicine to refer patients for FastTrack Colorectal Clinic.
You may wish to refer to the attached Pathway to get the necessary instructions. It has been kept simple for your ease of use.
Just in case you shall need any assistance when submitting a referral ticket please do not hesitate to contact the Fast Track Coordinator on 25452468/ 79707652 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Always save the Ticket as Draft if you encounter any difficulties.