Enrolment into database for fast-track cancer pathways

dear member

About 180 Specialists in Family Medicine have sent their demographics to date.

If you registered you have been granted access to the new Electronic
Referral Platform as from Monday 18th May 2020.  System can be accessed
at https://fasttrack.digitalhealth.gov.mt.
As a beginning, through this Electronic FT Platform you will be able to
refer patients with suspected Colon Cancer for the Fasttrack Colorectal
Clinic. Through a series of automatically generated E mails, this system
will keep you updated with the progress of the Ticket and the patient’s
care pathway such as the patient’s first appointment, availability of
Outcome and also when Follow-Up appointments are due.

If you have not registered yet please contact the Fast-Track Cancer
Coordinator Mr Robert Falzon via email on [email protected]


Jason Bonnici

Honorary Secretary of MCFD

Categories : MCFD News