Malta has been fortunate to have the early allocation of a COVID-19 vaccine in the next few months. The vaccine is licensed and approved and has passe [...]
Expression of Interest for Retired Health Care Professionals or Health Care Professionals working in the Private Sector to be assigned duties within t [...]
in view of the upcoming Summative Examination please find Call for Application for Quality Assurance Assessors: Call for QA Assessors 2020
Please find attached guidelines drawn up by the Public Health COVID-19 team in consultation with paediatricians and family doctors for the management [...]
The Malta College of Family Doctors will be holding the MMCFD Summative Examination 2020. The AKT will be held on Friday, 30th October 2020. In view [...]
The Malta College of Family Doctors (MCFD) in collaboration with the SOGIGESC Unit within the Human Rights Directorate (HRD) is inviting General Pract [...]
DH Circular 67/2020 - New Treatment for Benign Prostatic Enlargement Schedule V Form for BPE treatment BPE circular final version
The Malta College of Family Doctors will be holding the MMCFD Summative Examination 2020. The AKT will be held on Friday, 30th October2020. In view of [...]
MCSC 2020 - Cardiology Update for the Family Physician - Poster The organising committee would like to invite you to this year's Maltese Cardiac Socie [...]
DH 75 entitlement document for psychiatric treatment has been updated - see attached circular - including the role of GPs to extend and change treatme [...]