Dear Members, The next pre conference exchange has been announced and will be held in Brussels. I am attaching the flyer so that you can have a look - [...]
Tuesday 21 February 2023 From the President: Reflections for a New YearIt can be an eye-opener to work with professionals from other disciplines. Stri [...]
Dear colleague MCFD and TAASC ( will be organising a CME on care pathways for ADHD and ASD. Speakers: Dr Danae Gingell and D [...]
Dear member Consultant Orthopedic surgeon Mr Kurstein Sant will discuss Hand and Elbow Pathologies in MCFD's next Continued Medical Education event. [...]
29th ISL World Congress of Lymphology, 11-15 September 2023, Genoa (Italy) To International Scientific Societies Dear Sirs We are pleased to inform y [...]
Dear Colleague Those private family doctors who recently submitted their interest to attend an introductory session on the Electronic Patient Records [...]
The Family Doctor’s Role in the Care of the Elderly CME Lecture Series Lecture: The Family Doctor’s role in preventing fractures in the elderly Delive [...]
‘Lymphoedema – Physiotherapy Services at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre’ Date: 9th March, 2023 Time: 8:00pm Venue: University of Malta, Faculty of H [...]
Dear colleague MCFD and TAASC ( will be organising a CME on care pathways for ADHD and ASD. Speakers: Dr Danae Gingell and Dr Nigel [...]
Dear contact contact, WONCA Europe together with EASO is co-hosting a webinar on Obesity Management: comprehensive care beyond pharmacotherapy. The we [...]