Subject: Specialist Training Programme in Family Medicine: Call for applications for posts of GP Trainer 25th May 2023 To: Certified GP Teachers regis [...]
Dear colleague I am writing on behalf of the Strategy Development and Implementation Unit within the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health. Al [...]
Dear members The Press Release on the occasion of World Family Doctors’ day 19th May 2023, issued jointly by the Malta College of Family Doctors and t [...]
Dear members The Annual General Meeting 2023 to cover the year 2022 took place on 17th May 2023 at the Hall of the Malta Federation for Professional A [...]
Dear member, In accordance with article 9 (6) (a) (iv) of the Drugs (Control) Regulations (S.L. 31.18) and 8. (6) (a) (iv) of the Internal Control o [...]
Dear member The new website has been launched. The forms for doctors can be accessed from this link - [...]
Dear Member and Colleague Please find the Press Release issued by the Malta College of Family Doctors and the Association of Private Family Doctors on [...]
Dear member MCFD's next Continued Medical Education event has two lectures: "Paediatric Podiatric Services in Malta", by Mr Ivan Farrugia, D Pod SR Po [...]
Dear colleague Save the date - Lecture "Achieving Lipid Targets & Managing CV Risk: Reassessing our way with Dyslipidemia treatment" by Pro [...]
Dear colleague The latest e-update from WONCA is to be found here: Rega [...]