Dear Doctor, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the Strategy Development and Implementation Unit within the Office of [...]
Dear Colleagues, I would like to thank you for the fruitful evening you hosted on the 4th of April. As discussed in our presentations, the "Frailty Hu [...]
Dear Members, Yet another exciting exchange coming up :) from the Vasco da Gama Movement/European Young Family Doctors Movement - a preconference exch [...]
Dear members The EURACT Course Level 1 has been successfully completed during March 29th - April 1st with 33 participants now having a basic course to [...]
Dear Colleague, Three members of the current council have resigned in the last few weeks. Details will be provided in the Annual Report to be present [...]
Dear members The Annual General Meeting 2023 to cover the year 2022 took place on 17th May 2023 at the Hall of the Malta Federation for Professional A [...]
Dear Colleagues EURIPA is undertaking an on-line survey on the Rural health Workforce in Europe. Last year we published a Blueprint for Rural Practice [...]
Dear colleagues Please find attached the pdf with link to view photos and instructions on how to order your photos : Instructions to order The [...]
Basic Course in Palliative Care for Care Assistants The course organised by Hospice Malta is an introduction to Palliative Care especially designed fo [...]
Dear Colleague Kindly note that the link to the electronic referral form for the Gender Wellbeing Clinic has been updated. This is the new link - ht [...]