My name is Juanita Camilleri Casingena and I am a student at the University of Malta, presently reading for a Masters in Health Systems Management and Leadership. I am presently conducting a research study for my dissertation titled Evaluating general practitioner job satisfaction: a comparison between private and public practice. This letter is an invitation to participate in this study. Below you will find information about the study and about what your involvement would entail, should you decide to take part.
The aim of my study is to Explore the factors influencing the satisfaction of GP in primary care in Malta. Your participation in this study would help contribute to a better understanding of what improves and what hinders job satisfaction in general practice. Both sectors will provide insight to each other. Any data collected from this research will be used solely for purposes of this study.
Should you choose to participate, you will be asked to fill in an anonymous questionnaire of 55 questions majority with a yes or no answer or a choice of best answer. The last question, which is subdivided into 6 are on a Likert scale and are about job satisfaction. This would take an average of 20 minutes to complete. Data collected will be anonymous and only I and my supervisor will have access to it.
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary; in other words, you are free to accept or refuse to participate, without needing to give a reason. You are also free to withdraw from the study at any time, without needing to provide any explanation and without any negative repercussions for you.
If you choose to participate, please note that there are no direct benefits to you but management benefits will be to the whole GP community. Your participation does not entail any known or anticipated risks.
All data collected will be erased at the end of the study and following publication that is by June 2025.
A copy of this information sheet is being provided for you signed by me and my supervisor to keep and for future reference.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor.
Juanita Camilleri Casingena