Electronic TORs to Primary HealthCare (via EPR)

Good morning.


I have been informed by our Head of IT, Dr Renzo Pace Asciak, that private GPs are sending electronic TORs (via EPR) to Primary HealthCare.


Please note that this route is not functioning yet. The electronic TORs should only be reserved for referrals to MDH until we inform you otherwise. Referrals to PHC services should be done via the usual paper TOR.


Kind Regards,


Gunther Abela


Dr. Gunther Abela MD

MMCFD, MRCEM, FIMC.RCS(Ed), PG Cert Clin Lds (Open), MSc Clinical Leadership (Swansea), LLCM

PGP – Office of the Clinical Chairperson

Postgraduate Training Coordinator STPFM

Associate Dean Primary Care Barts and the London SMDHealth – Primary HealthCareMINISTRY FOR HEALTH

t +356 25576134     e [email protected]


a 7, Sqaq Harper, Floriana, Malta

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